
You’ve stumbled upon this page, because you’re probably having an issue with Paddock Pal… Below are a list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) to help better your experience with the tool. If you’re still struggling don’t hesitate to send an email to for additional help. Note: if your request comes during the weekend and we’re on track, response times will be delayed.

  • The “ON GRID” Grid View seems “small” on my phone?
    • We’ve designed Paddock Pal to operate on the smallest smartphone still available, the iPhone 6. Most cell phones today have much larger screens and can handle the grid view very easily. You have a couple alternatives to Grid View, since Paddock Pal isn’t an app and runs in your browser…rotate the screen! And use two fingers (or thumbs) to Zoom in/out and Paddock Pal will adjust. We also created “Agenda View” to help with smaller phones.
  • I heard that I can download the schedule to my phone? How do you do that?
    • On the (default) Grid View, you’ll find a download icon in the upper right corner of the table, click that to be taken to a page to download the schedule. The output file is known as an .ICS and is a common format used on Apple, Android and even your PC (ie: Outlook, Yahoo, etc). Click on the run group you want to download and your phone should automatically add it to your calendar app.