Passing signals are the only way drivers are able to communicate with each other car-to-car, so its important that we make sure that these signals are clear and consistent. Using appropriate hand signals keeps everyone safe and sessions running smoothly.
Right Side Point-By
Means: "I will stay to the left of the track, and let the faster car pass me on the right." - Use the signal below to indicate this action to your fellow drivers.
Pit-In Signal
Means: "For whatever reason, I need to return to the pits." - Use the signal below to indicate this action to your fellow drivers.
Waving Off / Acknowledging another Vehicle
Waving-Off means: "I see that you've given me a point-by, but I'm not ready to take it. I'm happy to follow for a bit." - Remember: Always try and wave your hand somewhere forward of the rear view mirror to differentiate from an acknowledgement.
Acknowledgement means: "Hey! I see you back there, I'll put up a point-by when I'm a little more comfortable." - Remember: Wave behind the rear view mirror so that your signal makes sense to the vehicle behind/approaching.
What we don't want to see...
Sometimes other drivers get confused when your signals aren't clear ... (below) Is this a left side or right side pointby? NEITHER!
Making your signals clear and demonstrative keep everyone safe. Practice in the paddock (with a friend or a coach) to make sure your signals can be seen easily.
Passing signals should be used in designated passing zones, check with your organizers and instructors for what those passing zones might be for your venue. Example below: Summit Point Motorsports Park. You can browse through our Track Guide for passing zones for all the tracks in our system.